Davian Construction Ltd. | RenovationFind

We provide repair & renovation services to Business, Commercial and Residential properties.


Davian Construction Ltd. is not RenovationFind certified

Companies on our directory are vetted in order to become RenovationFind accredited.

This company does not have a RenovationFind rating. If this company was RenovationFind accredited, we would monitor the following about this company:

  • Has no credit issues based on the credit reports that we monitor
  • Has zero or a low number of legal issues relative to their competitors
  • Has zero or a low number of customer complaints relative to their competitors
  • Is accredited by the better business bureau "BBB" with a rating of A- or higher
  • Has provided us with a current copy of their Insurance
  • Has provided us with a current copy of their WCB or WSIB if applicable
  • Has provided us with a current copy of their Municipal Business License if applicable

Here are some of the best commercial renovations companies in Winnipeg, Manitoba:

Winnipeg, Manitoba
Sundance Construction has a strong residential building background. We are comfortable looking at cottage renovations, older home renovations, and additions. Our firm is comfortable completing work in all areas of Manitoba.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
At Artifex, we take pride in our work. Whether it be a small or large job, we do everything we can to make the finished product look immaculate. We understand that the client does not do large projects too often and we guide them and help them throughout the process to fully understand what they will be paying for. Transparency and flexibility are the two main things that we here at Artifex make sure to provide for the customer.

About the owner: Landon Schreyer graduated Red River College with honours, and becoming a certified Red-Seal Carpenter. He has spent the past 9 years working in residential construction, honing his skills and knowledge with the most relevant, up to code standards, products and practices.
Wanting to help grow the trade, he has taken apprentices and another Red-Seal Carpenter as employees to help further their knowledge and education in the trade. The technical training offered at Red-River College is an aspect of the trade that cannot be overlooked when wanting to produce and deliver a quality product to a customer.

Artifex offers a two-year workmanship warranty on all projects we complete. This is our policy to hold ourselves to the highest standard of craftsmanship and quality. It also offers clients ease of mind when wanting to do a renovation, knowing that if anything were to fail as part of an incorrect building practice or procedure, they will be covered with a cost-free repair.
See more RenovationFind Certified commercial renovations companies
Davian Construction Ltd.
740 Logan Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 1M9
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm

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This logo demonstrates a company has received a Silver or A rating from Renovationfind.

If a company is also BBB accredited with a good standing
If a company has a valid business insurance, municipal business license, and WCB/WSIB, they will receive an A rating.

RenovationFind has developed a stringent process of screening the vendors to ensure only the most reliable and trusted companies are listed on our website. By eliminating companies who have had extensive legal problems and numerous customer complaints, we hope to provide consumers with home renovation companies who rise above their competitors in quality service, products, workmanship and business practices.