Magnum Construction Services is a Home Renovation Company was officially established in 2017. In 2020 we were top 5 finalists (from a total of 600 companies) at the BC Small Business Awards. We are a fresh company but we come with 18 years of staff experience. We take a different approach when it comes to renovation, our process focuses on communication with the clients before jumping into the estimate and recommending what's the best materials to use, we listen to the clients first, we understand what they need and what's their vision and how they visualize their future kitchen or bathroom or any space they are hoping to renovate. We understand that your home is a reflection of who you are, the space you are living in should inspire you every day and provide an environment that will make you succeed in your life and when we establish that and understand your vision, we will work with you and help you achieve it. We will provide the best and honest recommendations, we work hard to streamline your project as easy as possible because we know and we understand how stressful can be living in a construction site. We work with the best trades in BC, every one of our trades and staff is licensed and insured. We don't compromise on quality, our kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities are customs made, we provide our clients with options based on their budget. If you are interested in working with us. Reach out and schedule an appointment at our website and let's start the conversation.
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