Furnace Solutions Heating & Air Conditioning | Edmonton , Alberta, T5M 1V8 | RenovationFind


We are committed to providing our customers with the best customer service/experience. With our 1000’s of satisfied customers year over year. We are proud to be ranked 3 best-rated companies serving the Edmonton area. When you choose to deal with Furnace Solutions you can rest assured we have you covered. We are committed to finding you the perfect solution for your home and budget. Offering only the best of products. We are proud to offer AirEase to our lineup. AirEase is Built for Life. With your peace of mind at the top of theirs; they build products that are built to last, with proven and solid technology. With up to 12 years of Part and Labour warranties and up to 12 years of unit replacement warranties; your perfect solution is one we stand behind; and will never compromise on comfort.


Furnace Solutions Heating & Air Conditioning is not RenovationFind certified

Companies on our directory are vetted in order to become RenovationFind accredited.

This company does not have a RenovationFind rating. If this company was RenovationFind accredited, we would monitor the following about this company:

  • Has no credit issues based on the credit reports that we monitor
  • Has zero or a low number of legal issues relative to their competitors
  • Has zero or a low number of customer complaints relative to their competitors
  • Is accredited by the better business bureau "BBB" with a rating of A- or higher
  • Has provided us with a current copy of their Insurance
  • Has provided us with a current copy of their WCB or WSIB if applicable
  • Has provided us with a current copy of their Municipal Business License if applicable

Furnace Solutions
#260, 6 Renault Crescent
St. Albert, Alberta T8N 4B8
24 hours a day / 7 days a week

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This logo indicates that a company has received RenovationFind's Bronze or A- rating.

At a minimum, companies must pass their credit and legal background checks, and have minimal customer complaints.
This is the reason why no businesses on our site have a rating less than A-!

This logo demonstrates a company has received a Silver or A rating from Renovationfind.

If a company is also BBB accredited with a good standing
If a company has a valid business insurance, municipal business license, and WCB/WSIB, they will receive an A rating.

RenovationFind has developed a stringent process of screening the vendors to ensure only the most reliable and trusted companies are listed on our website. By eliminating companies who have had extensive legal problems and numerous customer complaints, we hope to provide consumers with home renovation companies who rise above their competitors in quality service, products, workmanship and business practices.