Full service, interior painting company with a specialty in cabinet painting. We paint cabinet with the same product and process as new custom cabinetry. They will look and feel like they came that way. We paint interiors room by room, completing each space as we go so there is minimal disruption to your home or office. Here is what you can expect from your Distinctively Paint team. RESPECT FOR CLIENT'S PROPERTY There is absolutely no smoking on client property. 'Inside only' shoes are worn inside the client’s home. Drop cloths are used on the floor & all electronics are covered with plastic to protect from dust. RESPECT FOR CLIENTS Our personnel are presentable and clean cut. We insist that clients are treated in a polite and respectable manner. We work hard to keep the lines of communication open so that requests and concerns can be addressed immediately. QUALITY All rooms are subject to a quality inspection. Once we are satisfied, we do a walk through with the client. Any concerns the client may have are taken care of before we leave the site. TIMELY All jobs begin on time and are completed by the scheduled date. On the rare occasion a job is delayed, both the client and contractor or designer are notified as soon as possible. Getting back on track becomes our number one priority. COLOUR CONSULTATIONS All of our clients receive a complementary colour consultation with our in house colour specialist. We bring the colours to you so you can select in your own home in the very room where the colour will go.
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