Edge Pro Builders is the culmination of two independent firms that share the same belief that we can change the expectation/stigma of the General Contractor. Our attention to detail, product and process education, and love for what we do enable us to deliver the best experience possible for your Renovation or custom home project. We believe that in order to do this we create a team with our staff and clients. We sit on the same side of the table, we are in our client’s corner throughout the entire process. At Edge, we are a one-stop-shop for all of your construction needs. We provide everything from consultation to design to assistance with furniture to complete your new living space. Edge delivers on the big picture, through the excellence of the minute details. We treat every detail with the love and attention we would give our own home and we believe that that is the “edge” that sets our projects apart from the rest. Team up with us and see how the experience of renovation or new construction can be better than you imagined.
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